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Russia: Transfer of Russian Nuclear Technology Reported by the Press – 1990-1999

Importing Country: Brazil
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1994
Activity: Signs cooperation agreement in applied basic research, controlled thermonuclear fusion, research reactors, and radioisotope production

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1993
Activity: Agrees to construct a three-module centrifuge enrichment plant in Chengdu, Sichuan province

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1996
Activity: Finishes first module of a 200,000 SWU/yr centrifuge enrichment plant in Shaanxi province

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1996
Activity: Completes first module of a 200,000 SWU/yr centrifuge enrichment plant in Chengdu

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1996
Activity: Completes first stage of centrifuge enrichment plant in Lanzhou, Gansu province

Importing Country: Cuba
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Atomstroiexport
Date: 1999
Activity: Agrees to continue construction of two 440 VVERS at Juragua nuclear power plant

Importing Country: India
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Atomstroiexport
Date: 1998 (original contract in 1988)
Activity: Begins work on design of two VVER-1000 light-water reactors to be installed in Kudankulam

Importing Country: Indonesia
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1997
Activity: Offers package deal to help with development of the nuclear power industry, including fuel supply, personnel training and thermonuclear synthesis

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1995
Activity: Agrees to complete work on nuclear power plant at Iranian port of Bushehr

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1995
Activity: Extends $800 million Bushehr contract to cover nuclear fuel supplies from 2001 to 2011

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1995?
Activity: Concludes deal for transfer of reactor equipment and technology for desalinization, a research reactor for University of Tehran, and equipment for gas centrifuge enrichment of uranium (deal later canceled)

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Novovoronezh training centre
Date: Mid- to late 1990s
Activity: Trains 30-40 Iranian for operations at Bushehr

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: Mid- to late 1990s
Activity: Trains Iranian physicists and mathematicians at Institute of Engineering and Physics in Moscow

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: Late 1990s
Activity: Plans to triple number of specialists working on Bushehr project from 300 to 1000

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1998
Activity: Russian nuclear scientists secretly advise on how to produce heavy water and nuclear grade graphite, believed by U.S. officials to be intended for the manufacture of plutonium

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: Mid- to late 1990s
Activity: Sells tritium gas and discusses a second sale of tritium

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1998
Activity: Negotiates to sell a 40 MW heavy water reactor

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Minatom
Date: 1999
Activity: Prepares proposal on the sale of three additional power reactors

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology and the Scientific Research and Design Institute of Power Technology (NIKIET)
Date: 1999
Activity: Sells sensitive heavy water production technology, nuclear-grade graphite production technology, and research reactor design, triggering U.S. trade sanctions

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Izhorskiye Zavod
Date: 1999
Activity: Produces equipment for Bushehr plant including equipment for reactor’s primary circuit, the reactor vessel, the steam generator casing, the head for unit 1, and internals

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Electrosila
Date: 1999
Activity: Agrees to provide two nuclear generators worth approximately $20 million to Bushehr

Importing Country: Libya
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Russian government
Date: 1997
Activity: Agrees to rehabilitate Tajura nuclear research center near Tripoli

Importing Country: Syria
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1995
Activity: Ships undisclosed amount of zirconium through Cyprus

Importing Country: Syria
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Atomstroiexport and the Scientific Research and Design Institute of Power Technology (NIKIET)
Date: 1998
Activity: Agrees to construct nuclear research center including a 25 MW light water pool-type reactor