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Russia: Transfer of Missiles, Missile Technology and Submarines Reported by the Press – 1990-1999

Importing Country: Brazil
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1993
Activity: Twelve Russian scientists work on a project to develop fuel for three stages of Brazil’s Satellite Launch Vehicle (VLS) at the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA)

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1991
Activity: Sells (in conjunction with Ukraine) rocket engine(s) used on the Zenit space launcher

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Russian weapon complexes
Date: 1993
Activity: Allows as many as a thousand weapon technicians, scientists, and engineers to be recruited

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Russian weapon complexes
Date: 1993
Activity: Provides weapon designs and mathematical modeling work from defense laboratories

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Fakel Engineering Design Bureau
Date: 1994 to 1995
Activity: Sells six to eight S-300 (SA-10) anti-aircraft missile systems

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1994
Activity: Sells four Kilo-class diesel submarines; delivery completed by January 1999

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1996
Activity: Sells two Sovremeny-class destroyers equipped with SS-N-22 anti-ship supersonic cruise missiles

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Antey Scientific Industrial Organization and Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant
Date: 1997
Activity: Sells 15 SA-15 (Tor-M1) air defense missile systems and trains 50 Chinese in operations

Importing Country: China
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Antey Scientific Industrial Organization and Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant
Date: 1998
Activity: Sells 20 additional SA-15 (Tor M1) air defense missile systems

Importing Country: Cyprus
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Rosvoorouzhenie and Almaz
Date: 1997
Activity: Agrees to sells S-300 (SA-10 “Grumble”) air defense missile systems

Importing Country: Cyprus
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1998
Activity: Ships seven missile launchers possibly destined for Cyprus; intercepted in Turkey

Importing Country: India
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: Mid-1990s to present
Activity: Helps develop Sagarika submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM)

Importing Country: India
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Glavkosmos
Date: 1991
Activity: Agrees to provide two cryogenic rocket engines and associated technology for the GSLV

Importing Country: India
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Glavkosmos, Salyut Design Bureau of the Khrunichev Space Research and Production Center, and Energomash
Date: 1993-1994
Activity: Renegotiates a 1991 contract with the Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO) to deliver up to nine cryogenic rocket engines

Importing Country: India
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Rosvoorouzhenie
Date: 1998
Activity: Signs 10-year defense cooperation agreement worth nearly $1 billion to include jointly developing military hardware including six S-300V anti-tactical ballistic missile systems

Importing Country: India
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Severnoye Design Bureau and Novator
Date: 1998
Activity: Agrees to sell variants of the Biryuza (SS-NX-27) supersonic cruise missile for the Indian Navy (part of weapons package for three 11356-class Russian frigates)

Importing Country: India
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Admiralteiskiye Verfi and Rubin Central Marine Technology Design Bureau
Date: 1999
Activity: Completing tenth Kilo-class submarine to be armed with Biryuza anti-ship cruise missile system for the Indian Navy

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1992 to 1997
Activity: Delivers three Kilo-class diesel submarines

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: Mid-1990s
Activity: Transfers technology for the SS-4 medium-range missile including instructions on production and guidance components

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Russian Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) and Rosvoorouzhenie
Date: 1996
Activity: Contracts with Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group, part of Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO) to construct a wind tunnel, manufacture model missiles and to create related software

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Russian Scientific and Production Center (Inor)
Date: 1996
Activity: Contracts with Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group, part of Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO) to provide raw materials used in making missiles

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Russian Scientific and Production Center (Inor)
Date: 1996
Activity: Brokers deals to supply Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group with laser equipment, special mirrors, maraging steel, and composite graphite-tungsten material for use in Iran’s liquid-fuel missile program

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Polyus Research Institute, Kutznetzov (NPO Trud), Moscow Bauman State University of Technology and Russian Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI)
Date: 1997
Activity: Helps develop the guidance system and rocket propulsion systems for the Shahab-3 and -4 ballistic missiles

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Russian Scientific and Production Center (Inor)
Date: 1997
Activity: Agrees to supply the Instrumentation Factories Plant, part of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO), with 240 kg of heat treated steel alloy (“21HKMT”) and special foil (“49K2F,” “CUBE2,” and “50N”) to shield missile guidance equipment

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Baltic State Technical University
Date: 1998
Activity: Creates in Persepolis, Iran, a missile training and education center in conjunction with Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO)

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Baltic State Technical University, Europalace 2000, Glavkosmos, State Scientific Research Institute of Graphite (NIIGRAFIT), Russian Scientific and Production Center (Inor), MOSO Company, and Polyus Scientific Production Association
Date: 1998
Activity: Sanctioned by the United States for engaging in missile proliferation.

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Federal Security Service (FSB)
Date: 1998
Activity: Recruits experts to teach missile technology in Iran

Importing Country: Iran
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Europalace 2000 (front company)
Date: 1998
Activity: Sells twenty-two tons of steel suitable for making missiles; shipment intercepted in Azerbaijan

Importing Country: Iraq
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Research and Testing Institute of Chemical and Building Machines (NIIKhSM)
Date: 1995
Activity: Sells 810 gyroscopes, most of which are intercepted in Amman, Jordan

Importing Country: Libya
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Pavoks
Date: 1993
Activity: Ships 80 tons of ammonium perchlorate, which is used to make rocket fuel; seized by Ukraine

Importing Country: Pakistan
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: 1997
Activity: Provides maraging steel for Pakistan’s missile program via North Korea

Importing Country: South Korea
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Unknown
Date: Early to mid-1990s
Activity: Provides anti-aircraft missiles as partial payment for debt

Importing Country: Syria
Russian Developer, Exporter or Manufacturer: Tula Design Bureau, Volsk Mechanical Plant and TSNIITochmash
Date: 1999
Activity: Sanctioned by the United States for the sale of anti-tank guided missiles