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Libya Nuclear/Missile Milestones – 1996-2000

April 1996: Libya announces that it has no intention of acquiring nuclear weapons and signs a treaty declaring a nuclear-free zone in Africa.

October 1997: Russia announces that it is ready to begin talks with Libya on overhauling the Tajura nuclear research center.

December 1997: Engineers at Libya’s Great Man-made River Project tell the New York Times that they suspect the project may have some clandestine military purpose.

June 1998: It is reported that Chinese technicians are working with Libya to develop missiles.

April 1999: According to the Washington Post, Russia is planning to supply Libya with S-300 air defense missile complexes.

September 1999: Long-range missiles, aircraft and tanks are displayed in a five-hour parade to celebrate Muammar Gadhafi’s 30 years in power.

January 2000: British officials confirm that in November 1999 they seized 32 crates of Scud missile components disguised as car parts, that originated in Taiwan and were bound for Tripoli via Malta.

April 2000: It is reported that the China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC) has been cooperating with Libya to develop its al-Fatah long-range missile since March 1999.

April 2000: U.S. intelligence reports claim that China is training Libyan technicians at a Chinese wind tunnel facility.

July 2000:It is reported that a Maltese company has offered to sell “hundreds” of nuclear weapons-related items and scientific data to the Tajura nuclear research facility.

April 2000: Two executives of Thane-Coat, a now defunct company based in Houston, are indicted for illegally selling 3.1 million liters of pipe coating to Libya between 1993 and 1996 for use in the Great Man-made River Project.

September 2000: The Jerusalem Post reports that Libya has received the first of four deliveries of Nodong surface-to-surface missiles and launchers from North Korea. Included were nine North Korean engineers and technicians to help make the missiles operational.