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India’s Expanding Missile Force

Test Launch of the K-15 (aka B0-5) SLBM, January 2013 (Courtesy: Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO))

This chart provides information on India’s arsenal of ballistic and cruise missiles. It is updated on a rolling basis to include the dates of the latest tests and other developments as they occur. An asterisk beside a data point indicates that this information did not come from an official source but from a reliable, secondary source.

NameTypeRangeStages/FuelPayload CapacityLast Reported TestInducted?Nuclear Capable?
Prithvi-IBallistic150 kmSingle/Liquid800 kg*May 2007Y(a)Y
Prithvi-IIBallistic350 kmSingle/Liquid500-1,000 kgOctober 2020*YY
DhanushBallistic350 kmSingle/Liquid500 kgFebruary 2018*Y*Y
Agni-IBallistic700-900 kmSingle/Solid*1,000 kg*October 2018*YY*
Agni-IIBallistic2,000 kmTwo/Solid1 tonNovember 2019*YY
Agni-IIIBallistic3,500 kmTwo/Solid1.5 tonsNovember 2019(b)*YY*
Agni-IVBallistic4,000 kmTwo/Solid1,000 kg*December 2018*Y*Y
Agni-VBallistic+5,000 kmThree/Solid1,000 kg*December 2018NY
PrahaarBallistic150 kmSingle/Solid200 kgSeptember 2018*N*N*
PragatiBallistic*60-170 km*Single/Solid*200 kgNot TestedN*N*
K-15 (aka B0-5)SLBM(c)750 km*Two/Solid*1,000 kg*August 2018*Y*Y*
K-4SLBM*3,500 km*Two/Solid*UnknownJanuary 2020*(d)N*Y*
BrahMosCruise290-500 km*Two/Solid and Liquid(e)200-300 kgOctober 2020(f)N-I: Y

B-I: Y




NirbhayCruise1,000 kmTwo/solid and liquid(g)450 kg*April 2019N*Y*
Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV)Cruise(h)UnknownOne/liquid(i)UnknownSeptember 2020N*Unknown

a. The Prithvi-I will reportedly be withdrawn from service and upgraded.

b. This test was reportedly not successful.

c. Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile.

d. India reportedly conducted two tests of the K-4 in January: one on January 19 and another on January 24.

e. The boost phase is solid-fueled while the cruise phase is powered by a liquid ramjet engine.

f. The BrahMos is deployed on multiple platforms. Each deployment has its own designation. N-I refers to deployments on surface naval vessels. Blocks (B) I-III refer to deployments with the Indian Army. ALCM refers to Air-Launched Cruise Missiles and SLCM refers to Submarine-Launched Cruise Missiles.

g. The boost phase is solid-fueled while the cruise phase is powered by a liquid turbofan engine.

h. The HSTDV is comprised of hypersonic cruise missile technologies.

i. In its first test, the HSTDV was reportedly launched on board an Agni-I, which was to bring it to testing altitude. The vehicle itself is powered by a supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engine fueled by kerosene.